Friday, November 4, 2016

Inheriting Ducks

We just got asked last night if we would like to keep the 4 ducks that are currently living on the pond at our new property.  After thinking about it for a while, we decided that we would.  Some quick research showed that they are good at eating bugs like mosquito larvae.  The previous owner said they don't require any housing either, which I find amazing considering the pond will freeze in the winter and it gets awfully cold in western PA.  So we'll see how it works out.  I have to find out what kind of ducks they are.  I'm guessing Pekin at this point, but don't know for sure.

There is something pleasant about seeing a farm with ducks on the pond.  I had thought about buying ducks for the last couple of years at our old house, but didn't know how they would do in the creek.  Hopefully we can get some nice duck eggs to supplement our current eggs.

Speaking of eggs, we can no longer keep up with demand.  If I delivered 1 dozen eggs to everyone that wanted them, just at my office, we'd have to buy another 6-12 birds.  We're talking about going from our current 7 birds to 12-18 birds in the spring.  I'm leaning toward 18 since the 7 we have now would be 2 1/2 years old next summer when the new ones start producing, and from our experience with Rhode Island Reds, they will be about at the end of their quality egg production cycle.  It is great hearing the feedback from people on our eggs.

"They are so much bigger than store eggs."
"Your eggs taste so good."
"The yolks are so much brighter."

Maybe we'll see a similar demand for duck eggs.

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