Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring Work

Unfortunately, we've all been sick the last couple of weeks, bronchitis, flu, ear infection, and severe cold.  Needless to say, the work has slacked.  Finally feeling better and with the great weather we've been having (and forecast to have for the next 10 days), spring work has gone into full gear.

I had a 1 bottom plow given to me and bought another one sight unseen for $20.  Unfortunately, they are both 1 point attachments instead of 3 point.  So I decided to try to convert one of them.  Without going into all of the details, I will just say that it was a failure.  I'll be purchasing a plow at one of the dealers or a local farm this week, both have listings in the paper for used plows and discs.

 We put in 2 types of lettuce, spinach, beets, turnips, and radishes this weekend.  We started with 64 radishes and will continue with a 16-32 rotation.  Beets & turnips, we planted 36 of each.  We don't know if we like beets, my dad does and will gladly take them if we don't.  With the warm weather, I'm going to put beans in this week and attempt sweet corn for the first time in my SFG.  The green beans are moving from a 4x4 box to a 1x10 box with a cattle panel.  We are tired of bending over to pick the bush beans, so we are growing pole beans and using the cattle panel for a trellis. 

The peppers are being hardened off this week, in hopes of transplanting this weekend.  The super hots are doing really well.  Hopefully everything works out and we don't loose any as they are our first profitable product from the "farm".

The chickens seem to be happy in their new home.  I'm still amazed at how much grass they eat.  Here are some pictures of the finished coop painted to match the barn, the run, the man door, and the window which I forgot to put in originally.  I bought the 18x24 single hung window at Lowe's for $32.
Coop and run

Happy chickens

Man door into run