Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Farm Income

We did it, we finally made some income from our farming enterprise.  With all of our garlic cleaned and weighed, we wound up with 67 pounds to sell, about 1/4 of what I thought we would have.  It is all sold and we will get our first check this week.  And even though its not much, it did pay for the garlic we purchased last year to get started.  We are excited.  After 2 1/2 years of planning, purchases, and prep, we finally have money going into our account.

Garlic ready for delivery
Next year, even if we still end up with a 4x yield, we will make enough to break even with the tractor payment. Anything above a 4x yield would be actual profit.  And with the changes we are making, I'm confident we'll be closer to 6-7x yield. 

When we set out, our goal was to sell the majority of our garlic to a seed company in the Midwest, but we have to get a higher percentage of our garlic heads bigger than 2 inches.  So now that we've found some garlic festivals within reasonable distance, our goal next year is to sell 300 pounds at one or two festivals, while continuing to improve our fields and select the biggest & best heads to increase our average size.

It's taken 2.5 years to get any revenue, hopefully 1 more year and we will be profitable.  Time to review and update our farm plan for the next 1-3 years.